Wave Aquatics follows the American Red Cross Training Program for all Lifeguard Trainings
In order to register for a lifeguard training course, students must be 15 years old on or before the last day of a scheduled course. All participants must pass a pre-test on the first day of class.
You may find the pre-test described below
Wave Aquatics follows the American Red Cross Training Program for all Lifeguard Trainings
In order to register for a lifeguard training course, students must be 15 years old on or before the last day of a scheduled course. All participants must pass a pre-test on the first day of class.
You may find the pre-test described below
Wave Aquatics follows the American Red Cross Training Program for all Lifeguard Trainings
In order to register for a lifeguard training course, students must be 15 years old on or before the last day of a scheduled course. All participants must pass a pre-test on the first day of class.
You may find the pre-test described below
Wave Aquatics follows the American Red Cross Training Program for all Lifeguard Trainings
In order to register for a lifeguard training course, students must be 15 years old on or before the last day of a scheduled course. All participants must pass a pre-test on the first day of class.
You may find the pre-test described below
Wave Aquatics follows the American Red Cross Training Program for all Lifeguard Trainings
In order to register for a lifeguard training course, students must be 15 years old on or before the last day of a scheduled course. All participants must pass a pre-test on the first day of class.
You may find the pre-test described below

How do I Create an Account?
What is your Public Swim Cancellation Policy?Cancellations for Public Swim must be made at least 24 hours in advance to qualify for a refund. Cancellations made within 24 hours of the scheduled swim will receive a credit, courtesy pass, or will be given a punch back on the punch pass. Wave Aquatics will not issue any Credits or Refunds to patrons who do not wish to share their lane. If you wish to cancel a public swim enrollment, please email contact@waveaquatics.org. If your email is sent at least 24 hours ahead of time, you will qualify for a refund. If the email is sent less than 24 hours ahead of time, you will qualify for a credit.
What is your No-Show Policy?No Refunds or Credits will be issued for a no-show
Can I transfer my punch pass to someone else?No, punch passes can only be utilized by the patron for which they are originally bought for.
Can I show up to Family Swim without a reservation?Family Swim does have an enrollment limit. We recommend registering ahead of time, because Family Swims usually fill up before they start. You may show up without a reservation, but you will be turned away if the Family Swim is full.
What holidays is Wave closed?Labor Day- Closed Thanksgiving- Closed Christmas Eve- Closed at 2pm Christmas- Closed New Years Eve- Closed at 2pm New Years Day- Closed Memorial Day- Closed 4th of July- Closed
What floats can I bring for my child?Wave Aquatics only allows Coast Guard approved life jackets and flotation devices. If you do not own a Coast Guard approved jacket we have acceptable life jackets for your child to use during their swim. If you have questions about life jacket sizing for your child please ask your facility lifeguard.
What pool equipment is available for public use?Coast Guard approved life jackets, kick boards, pool noodles and pull buoy's. Toys, plastic balls, and Floating pads are reserved for Wave Swim School swim lessons only.
Is the pool chlorine or salt water?Both the Redmond Pool and the Juanita Aquatics Center are chlorinated pools.
Can I come to the pool to take a float test?Yes, our lifeguards are able to administer float tests for various sports/activities. Follow the steps below to schedule a float test at our pools: Make an account with us via the Customer Portal Add yourself as a student on the account Enroll and pay for a lap swim or family swim slot Bring your form with you to the pool, and our lifeguards will be able to administer the float test as specified on your form
What is the temperature of the pool?Our pools are maintained at a temperature of 80-82 degrees Fahrenheit
How do I redeem my Punch Pass?
What is the difference between a Student Punch Pass and a Family Punch PassA Student Punch Pass must be assigned to one student on your account, and can only be used by that specific student. Whereas a Family Punch Pass can be used by any student within your family account.
What age qualifies for the Senior DiscountAnyone aged 50 years old and up qualifies for the senior admission rates. Please refer to the Admission Rates section of the public swim page for information on how to register using the senior rates.
Does Wave offer Fee Assistance?Fee Assistance is available for all living in the 98052 zip code (Redmond) please click on this link to fill out the form and send it to contact@waveaquatics.org once you have completed filling it out.
Wave Swim School Student PoliciesMEDICALLY EXCUSED ABSENCE POLICY Credits will only be given for medically excused absences. Families may submit a doctor’s note or proof of a positive covid test to receive a credit for an absence. This must be submitted within 7 days of the absence. We will accept proof of a positive covid test for any member of the household, not just the student. RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY POLICY If the student will be missing one lesson due to a religious holiday, families may request a credit at the time of registration for that session. If the student will be missing multiple lessons due to an extended religious holiday, families may submit a request before the session to maintain their priority registration status. If this is the case, families will not enroll for the upcoming session. WAVE SWIM SCHOOL RIGHT TO REMOVAL POLICY Wave Swim School reserves the right to remove any student from their class if they are hindering the learning of other students. Reasons a student may be removed from a class include but are not limited to; disruptive behavior, disrespectful behavior to other students or staff, or if their skills do not align with the class level to the point that they hinder the learning of the other students. No refunds or credits will be given if your student is removed from their class. If the student was removed from the class due to being in the wrong class level, we will attempt to transfer them to the correct level. If there is no space available in the correct level, the student will be removed from the current session but will maintain their priority registration status for the upcoming session. DROP POLICY Families may request to drop the session by 12:00 pm (noon) on Friday prior to the session start date. Drop requests must be submitted via email to waveswimschool@waveaquatics.org. The session start date is always the first Monday of the session, regardless of which day of the week your lesson falls on. REFUND POLICY Refunds will only be granted for drop requests submitted within the parameters listed in the above “Drop Policy”. No other refunds will be granted for swim lessons.
What are the age requirements for swim lessons?Parent & Child Lessons: 6 months - 3 years Youth Lessons: 3 years - 13 years Adult Lessons: 14 years+
What if I miss a class?If your student will be missing a class for medical reasons, you can contact us to have their absence excused and receive a credit for that class. The process for establishing medically excused absences is explained in more detail in the Wave Swim School Student Policies. The only other way to get an excused absence is if your student’s absence falls under the conditions of our Religious Holiday Policy. Please refer to the Wave Swim School Student Policies for more information on absences due to religious holidays. Any other absences will be considered unexcused, and will not qualify for any credits. We do not offer make up classes.
What if I can't find the class I am looking for on the Customer Portal?If you are not seeing the class you are looking for, make sure to check a few things: - Check if you are looking at the correct location (you can switch the location in the top right corner of the Customer Portal) - Check the registration dates of the class you are looking for; the classes will not be visible in the portal outside of the registration dates - Check that the student meets the age requirements for the class - Check the filters that you have selected If you have checked everything, and are still not able to see any classes, please contact us at waveswimschool@waveaquatics.org
How do waitlists work with sessions?If you register for a session class that is already full, you will be put on the waitlist for that class. If one of the active enrollments decides to drop before the start of the session, we will contact students on the waitlist to fill the open spot. All waitlist enrollments will be dropped at the end of the session. This means that there will no longer be long waitlists to get into lessons. Families will have a new chance every session to register for lessons.
How does registration work?Registration Week will always be Monday through Sunday the week before the session start date (the first Monday of the session). PRIORITY REGISTRATION: Monday - Tuesday of Registration Week All students that are enrolled in the current session will have priority registration access for the upcoming session. For example, if a student is enrolled in the July session, they will have priority registration access for the August session. REDMOND RESIDENT REGISTRATION: Wednesday of Registration Week The Redmond resident registration will only apply at the Redmond Pool. This day of registration will be for families that are residents of the city of Redmond. OPEN REGISTRATION: Wednesday - Sunday of Registration Week The open registration will be when registration is open to the public. For the Juanita Aquatics Center, open registration will be Wednesday through Sunday. For the Redmond Pool, open registration will be Thursday through Sunday (after the Redmond resident registration).
What time does registration open on the registration dates?Registration opens at 12:00 am, midnight, on the registration dates listed.
How do student evaluations work in swim lessons?Students in lessons receive feedback after every lesson on their skills. Star ratings are entered, which you can view through your account in the customer portal. During the third week of the session, students will also receive a comment with their star ratings. This comment will tell you which level to enroll your student in for the next session, and will include feedback for the skills they need to work on.
How do I see my student's evaluations?You can find your student’s evaluations in the customer portal by clicking “My Account” and then clicking the “Evaluations” button for the student you are looking at. You will be able to see star ratings (1-5 stars) for each of the skills in that class level, along with written comments from the instructor. The comments during week three of the session will let you know which level to enroll in for the next session.
How will I know when it is time to move my student to a new level?During the third week of the session, deck managers complete evaluations for the students who are potentially ready to move up. In the comments of your student's evaluation in week three, the instructor will tell you which level to enroll in for the next session. You will receive an email with your student's evaluation during week three, so you know which level to enroll in when registration opens in week four. Please remember that most students will take 3 to 8 sessions to pass a level, and it is expected for students to stay at the same level for multiple sessions.
Does Wave offer Fee Assistance?Fee assistance is available for all living in the 98052 zip code (Redmond) please click on this link to fill out the form and send it to contact@waveaquatics.org once you have completed filling it out.