Wave Aquatics Swim Team 8&U Tryout
We have a tryout opportunity coming up for interested athletes-
Thursday, December 19, 6:30-7:30pm at the Redmond Pool
>This tryout is limited to athletes age 8 and younger born after 5/1/2016
>Our other age groups (9+) are full at this time.
>Only athletes registered for the tryout may attend
Read over the information below carefully-
Only Register your Swimmer for our Tryout if you Intend to Join the Team
We have limited tryouts slots. If you are not really interested in joining the team, please do not take one of our spots- that prevents other interested families from being able to tryout.
No-shows at tryouts are not well received by our coaching staff. If you sign up but don’t attend, that takes an opportunity away from other interested families.
We do not have a Redmond only or Juanita only practice group, at any level. All of our practice groups use multiple pools for practice each week. You can see our current practice schedule HERE as an example.
To help you make an informed decision, you can see the 2024-25 fee structure information here-
You are also welcome to reach out to Coach Erin (erindunn@waveaquatics.org / 206 883 4434) to ask questions and make an informed decision before registering your athlete for the tryout.
Athletes from other USA Swimming Teams
If you are an athlete coming from a different USA Swimming Team, you should not sign up for one of our tryouts, but reach out to our Select Team coaches instead:
Ages 13 and Under (or not in high school)
Coach Chad chadwinkle@waveaquatics.org
Ages 14 and Older (in high school)
Coach Kyle kylekallin@waveaquatics.org
Tryout Notes
>Only athletes, coaches and lifeguards may be in the building. Family members must remain outside the building- this includes the lobby -during the tryout.
>Not everyone who tries out will be accepted onto the team. We are a competitive swim team with capacity limitations.
>The baseline for acceptance onto the team is comfort in the water from the coach’s perspective, able to comfortably swim a full 25 yards of freestyle and backstroke
>Kids who are active with outdoor play and other sports or athletic activities outside of swimming generally do better than kids who only know swimming
>Come prepared with suit, cap and goggles.
>No locker room access, athletes must arrive and leave in their swim suit.
Online Tryout Registration Information
>Only athletes registered for the tryout may attend.
>Once the tryout is full, we will not take additional athletes.
>There will be a $15 charge to sign-up and attend our tryout.
>We have begun charging for tryouts to deter families from signing up, and not showing up to our tryouts.
>NO REFUNDS for families who sign up but do not attend.
Thursday, December 19, Tryout Registration Link-
Any further questions about the tryout or the team:
Erin Dunn
Wave Aquatics
206 883 4434
Sportsmanship – Connection – Pride – Excellence
Instagram- @waveaquatics_swimteam